The Green Apples — TN Governor Considers Legislation Benefiting Education, Economic, & Environmental Policy — Effective Education

TN Governor Considers Legislation Benefiting Education, Economic, & Environmental Policy

Gov. Bill Lee has a unique opportunity. He is considering new policy combining good education policy with effective economic development and environmental policy for low-income communities across the state. In his State of the State Address, Gov. Lee described his desire to close the gap between the quality of education offered to students regardless of their zip code. “Low-income students,” he said, “deserve the same opportunities as other kids, and we need a bold plan that will help level the playing field.”

We agree, and Dr. Bart Danielsen had the opportunity to contribute to this on-going conversation in Tennessee in the following co-authored Op-Ed piece. Follow the link below to learn more about what is being proposed in Tennessee. It’s a form of parental choice that is unlike anything adopted in other states - yet. Check it out and consider whether this might be a interesting road map for change in your neighborhood too:

“School Choice Program Improve Neighborhoods and Quality of Life”-