
Gap Busters Get Results, Part 1

Gap Busters Get Results, Part 1

For years the American education system has wrestled with the achievement gap. But recent research shows charter schools not only enroll a more challenging student population, but they also produce superior student gains compared to traditional public schools. What’s going on here? This topic is on the blog today…

Is School Choice the Answer to the Teen Mental Health Crisis?

Is School Choice the Answer to the Teen Mental Health Crisis?

Alice Cooper’s classic, “School’s Out” is still a smash hit every May. K-12 students still rejoice at the idea of summer break. Sadly, it might be more than joy over a much-needed vacation. New research suggests that heading back to school after breaks correlates to higher rates of teen suicide.

Cross-class Friendships and School Assignment

Cross-class Friendships and School Assignment

Did you know that the U.S. has increased in economic segregation and decreased in opportunity? The U.S. now ranks below Canada, Denmark, and the UK in economic mobility. Today, we’re focusing on how friendships act as a helping hand toward upward mobility, and how schools could play a role in change.