College Clubs — Effective Education


Too often, colleges (and disciplines) operate separately, failing to recognize their interconnectedness, on campus and in the “real world.” These clubs get students thinking about how their studies, work, and service in college interact within a larger ecosystem of ideas. Colleges campuses are built for intellectual discussion and are poised to help students turn their ideas into action, and Environmentalists for Effective Education is a great way to put ideas into action into surrounding communities. The Alpha Charter at NC State is a great example.


"We expose members to environmental, economic, and social benefits of school choice programs such as special education scholarships for children with disabilities, opportunity scholarships, charter schools, and more.

In the Raleigh community, we offer tutoring/mentoring/lunch buddies in charter schools with concentrations of low-income children based on interests. We also work with local schools to coordinate fundraisers. We are now working towards having one-two days each semester where club members work with elementary, middle and high schools as volunteers.

As the state’s new Opportunity Scholarship program gains traction, we are also identifying ways to help the schools that help the low-income families who receive these scholarships.

Join us as we create innovative ways to help underfunded schools that are helping poor students – fundraising, tutoring, attending school performances as a club."


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Interested in starting a club at your school? Let us know! 

Photography by William Murphy