Solving America's greatest environmental problem.
A non-profit exposing the role school assignments play in urban sprawl and
equipping people with ideas to change the fate of their communities.
Find out more about our mission, our methods, and how you can be a part of making change for schools and neighborhoods.

Ground-breaking new research highlights solutions
to concentrated poverty and today's environmental issues.
Should cell phones stay in classrooms for security reasons or be banned for better learning? 📱🔒 Discover why parents are torn and explore potential solutions to keep students safe and focused.
For years, the American education system has wrestled with the achievement gap. But recent research shows charter school netowrks produce superior student gains. Today, we focus on what they are doing more effectively and where their success comes from.
For years the American education system has wrestled with the achievement gap. But recent research shows charter schools not only enroll a more challenging student population, but they also produce superior student gains compared to traditional public schools. What’s going on here? This topic is on the blog today…
A recent piece on #TeachforAmerica paints a picture of how teachers have been rendered powerless in their classrooms. At the same time, 80% of U.S. public schools now report that the pandemic has negatively impacted student behavior and socio-emotional development. What should we do?
On Tuesday, I was reading the Rosen Report and was thrilled to see that Eric highlighted a conversation around charter schools in NYC. As a professor of finance and real estate but also a school choice advocate, I am gratified to see interest from the business community in how school choice impacts economic development in communities. Let’s talk about why…
For some school choice supporters, they hope for a more conservative perspective, for others they are looking for a more progressive one. But we’re all looking for choices…
Alice Cooper’s classic, “School’s Out” is still a smash hit every May. K-12 students still rejoice at the idea of summer break. Sadly, it might be more than joy over a much-needed vacation. New research suggests that heading back to school after breaks correlates to higher rates of teen suicide.
Jeb Bush challenged the nation to end the epidemic of failure in schools in The Wall Street Journal, calling for parents, guardians, etc. to help the kids in our lives to overcome education gaps. He called for voters to consider solutions that eliminate barriers to better education. But what Bush didn’t mention were new obstacles keeping students lagging behind…
Did you on the Ohio-Indiana state line, Indiana is seeing major economic development? What’s the difference in a few miles? Research shows that workers want to choose whether to join and union or not, so they will move to have options. The same goes for schools. Can you guess which neighborhoods have an influx of people and economic growth?
Photography provided by Creative Commons
Because of severe income segregation and inequality based on neighborhoods, rich and poor children receive starkly different educations, inside AND outside the classroom. We’ve got a way to fix this issue…